Tuesday, June 25, 2024

June 25, 2024 (Switzer, Finn & Carter-Jones)

 Hemingway's Poetry Series

June 25, 2024

Featured Readers

Click to Enlarge - Right-Click to Download
Back Row: Kristofer Collins
Front Row (L-R): Sheila Carter-Jones, Kevin Finn, Silas Maxwell Switzer & Joan Bauer

Kristofer Collins is the publisher and editor-in-chief of Low Ghost Press founded in 2008 and the longtime Books Editor for Pittsburgh Magazine. He is also the co-curator of the Hemingway's Summer Poetry Series. His latest book, Roundabout Trace, was published in 2022 by Kung Fu Treachery Press. His latest project, The Pittsburgh Book Review can be found at https://pittsburghbookreview.blogspot.com/. He lives in Stanton Heights with his wife, son and daughter.

Opening Comments by Kristofer Collins - Click to Play (Right-Click to Download)

Joan E. Bauer is the author of three full-length poetry collections, Fig Season (Turning Point, 2023), The Camera Artist (Turning Point, 2021), and The Almost Sound of Drowning (Main Street Rag, 2008). Recent work has appeared in Paterson Literary Review, Slipstream and Chiron Review. She divides her time between Venice, CA and Pittsburgh, PA where she co-curates the Hemingway's Summer Poetry Series with Kristofer Collins. 



Silas Maxwell Switzer is a musician, poet, and history student who’s dedicated to exploring and preserving the local queer history in Pittsburgh, PA, his lifelong home. In his effort to emulate the noble possum, Silas has recently taken to allowing himself to be coaxed out of his hiding spots by pieces of interesting trash, an interest which he calls “digital archiving.” You can find him on most websites, including Patreon and Bandcamp, as silasmaxwellswitzer. His chapbook, Nine Parts Water, One Part Bleach, was published by Main Street Rag in 2023.

Silas Maxwell Switzer - Click to Play (Right-Click to Download)

Kevin Finn is a poet, musician, visual artist and martial artist from Pittsburgh, PA. His poetry has been widely published in journals and anthologies, and his latest collection is entitled, Consequence of Dream (Six Gallery Press, 2022).

Kevin Finn - Click to Play (Right-Click to Download)

Sheila Carter-Jones is the author of Three Birds Deep (selected by Elizabeth Alexander as the winner of the Naomi Long Madgett Poetry Book Award) and the chapbook Blackberry Cobbler Song. Her chapbook Crooked Star Dream Book was named Honorable Mention for the New York Center for Book Arts Chapbook Contest. She is a fellow of Cave Canem, Callaloo Creative Writing Workshop and a Walter Dakin Fellow of the Sewanee Writers’ Conference. Her newest poetry collection, Every Hard Sweetness, was published by BOA Editions in April 2024.

Sheila Carter-Jones - Click to Play (Right-Click to Download)

Open Mic

Open Mic - Click to Play (Right-Click to Download)

Entire Event from Start to Finish

Entire Event - Click to Play (Right-Click to Download)

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