Tuesday, August 10, 2021

August 10, 2021 (Corpuz, Gegick, Prince, Shapiro & Wray)

 Hemingway's Poetry Series

August 10, 2021

Special thanks to Tracy Waits of White Whale Bookstore for hosting and recording this Zoom event.

Note that a link for the entire reading is available at the bottom of this post.

Kristofer Collins is the longtime Books Editor for Pittsburgh Magazine. He is the co-curator of The Hemingway's Summer Poetry Series. His latest book The River Is Another Kind of Prayer: New & Selected Poems was published in 2020 by Kung Fu Treachery Press. His latest project, The Pittsburgh Book Review can be found at https://pittsburghbookreview.blogspot.com/. He lives in Stanton Heights with his wife and son.


Veronica Corpuz is a poet of the Madwomen in the Attic workshop of Carlow University and a member of the #notwhite collective in Pittsburgh, Pa. She was named a finalist for the 2019 Marsh Hawk Press Poetry Prize and is currently developing interdisciplinary work for an exhibition and performance of the #notwhite collective at SPACE gallery this fall. 

Veronica Corpuz - Click to Play (Right-Click to Download)

Richard L. Gegick is from Trafford, Pa. His first full-length poetry collection, GREASY HANDSHAKES, was published by WPA Press in 2019. His poems and short stories appear in Barrelhouse (online), Burrow Press Review, Chiron Review, Hot Metal Bridge, and Nerve Cowboy. A 14-year service industry veteran, he recently left his job to focus on a freelancing career.

Richard Gegick - Click to Play (Right-Click to Download)   

Monica Prince teaches activist and performance writing at Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania.  She is the author of How to Exterminate the Black Woman: A Choreopoem [PANK], 2020, Instructions for Temporary Survival (Red  Mountain Press, 2019) and Letters from the Other Woman (Grey Book Press, 2018. She is the managing editor of the Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly, and the co-author of the suffrage play, Pageant of Agitating Women, with Anna Andes.  Her work appears or is forthcoming in The Texas Review, Rumpus, Madcap Review, American Poetry Journal and elsewhere.

Monica Prince - Click to Play (Right-Click to Download)   

Daniel M. Shapiro is a special education teacher at Woodland Hills High School and a proud member of Steel City Ukuleles. His books of poems include (This Is Not A) Mixtape for the End of the World, How the Potato Chip Was Invented, and Heavy Metal Fairy Tales, which features a potentially dangerous metal cover.

Dan Shapiro - Click to Play (Right-Click to Download)

Lawrence Wray’s poems have been published in journals such as Crab Orchard Review, Presence, Poetry Salzburg Review, The Dark Horse, and in the Pittsburgh journals Coal Hill Review and Pittsburgh Poetry Review. His collection, The Night People Imagine, has twice been a finalist for the Antivenom Prize at Elixir Press. "Near the Moment of Passing, Clocks" can be found in the Post-Gazette anthology Verse Envisioned, and "Behind Closed Eyes" was recorded by poet Gray Jacobik for a project called In This Together at The Arts Cafe Mystic. New work is forthcoming in St. Katharine Review.


Joan E. Bauer is the author of The Almost Sound of Drowning (Main Street Rag, 2008). For some years, she was a teacher and counselor. In 2007, she won the Earle Birney Poetry Prize from Prism International and in 2018, she was a finalist for the John Ciardi Poetry Prize from BkMk Press. She curates the Hemingway's Summer Poetry Series with Kristofer Collins. Her second full-length book of poetry, The Camera Artist, was published by Turning Point in 2021.

Closing Remarks by Joan E. Bauer - Click to Play (Right-Click to Download)

The Entire Reading

The Unabridged Edition - Click to Play (Right-Click to Download)

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